Pelli-Robson Contrast Sensitivity on 122 Children Aged Six to Twelve Years
A.Fitzgerald, DipAppSci(Cumb), DOBA, MPH(Syd)
J.Mitchell, BAppSci(Cumb), DOBA
J.Munns, BAppSciHon(Cumb), DOBA
The importance of comparing the results of contrast sensitivity tests to age related normals has been demonstrated in numerous studies. To date no studies have shown normal results on children using the Pelli-Robson chart.
This study outlines the Pelli-Robson test and gives the results for 122 visually normal children aged between six and twelve years.
Results demonstrated a mean score on the Pelli-Robson chart of 1.861 log units in children of this age group. These findings are similar to those reported for young adults.