Two Case Studies: Eccentric Fixation and Amblyopia – A Challenge to the Treating Practitioner
Jessica Boyle, BOrth&OphthSc 1
Linda Santamaria, DipAppSc(Orth) MAppSc 2,3
1 Department of Clinical Vision Sciences, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
2 Monash Medical Centre, Southern Health, Melbourne, Australia
3 Department of Surgery, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Two cases of eccentric fixation in the presence of strabismic and anisometropic amblyopia are presented, both of which failed to respond to therapeutic efforts. A brief account of past and present treatment modalities used in the management of eccentric fixation is provided, including a discussion as to the limitations and efficacy of each. Analysis of the literature reveals that regardless of the treatment method employed, a population of “incurable” patients exist who fail to improve despite treatment efforts. Treatment outcome is dependent upon a multitude of factors and the potential reasons as to why this sub-group of patients with eccentric fixation fail to show improvement are discussed. This paper serves to highlight the challenges that such cases pose to the treating eye care practitioner and encourages the need for further research in this area; an area where little is known even today.