A Case Report: Complicated Traumatic Hyphaema
Khoi Khuat, BHlthSc MOrth BBiomedSc 1
Elaina Dickeson, BOrth&OphthSc BSc CertIVHlth(Nurs) 2
1 Department of Clinical Vision Sciences, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
2 Department of Ophthalmology, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
A 72-year-old male presented with a left traumatic hyphaema due to blunt trauma. Clinical examination found a 60% hyphaema and a mild increase in intraocular pressure. The hyphaema was slowly resolving with the patient suffering a secondary haemorrhage and a reduction in visual acuity. The patient was taking anticoagulant medication, which predisposed him to developing a secondary haemorrhage. The secondary haemorrhage was surgically cleared but an improvement in visual acuity was not seen. A traumatic cataract was found upon slit lamp examination and was surgically removed resulting in an improvement in vision.